Sunday, August 28, 2011

Urban Decay's Ammo Palette

This year, Urban Decay released their 15year Anniversary Eyeshadow Palette and while I'm still waiting for my order of that palette along with their Book Of Shadow VOl IV (with hands shaking now.. hahah) Let me take you back to their 10th Year Anniversay palette - Ammo, the smokin mirrored compact which became one of the must haves of Urban Decay Eyeshadow fan!

I must confess that I'm a fan of Urban Decay's 24/7 eyeliners and Ink for the Eyes! But when it comes to eye shadows...I'm quite hesitant about it. True , I love the brilliance of its shades, packaging is perfectly cute!! What I hate about it is the amount of glitters I have all over my face once I apply it. I hate glittery shadows!! Not only that its camera unfriendly, I hate the feeling of having glitters sticked on to my face! All shades in their Ammo pallette are glittery, the colors are awesome though , its highly pigmented and just like Nars, what you see is what you get when you actually apply it on your lids. But please, I don't mind a bit of shimmer but I just hate those flecks! Or it could be for the following reasons (Still trying to be fair to my favorite brand hahah)

1. maybe I should try using it with their Eyeshadow Primer Potion, I heard its good base for their shadows, I have it but I haven't tried it yet..

2. maybe the glitters are just on top of the shadow, (some blushes and shadows are made that way to look..errr delicious hahhaha) I'm not yet sure since the palette is new I used it right away after opening (yes I was that excited hehe)

3. maybe the glitters will no longer be there once I dig into it further hmmmm I'll let you know I'm still confused about it since its still new.

Anyway, here's a sample of how I looked like using the Ammo Palette...I went to the office that day and my boss actually asked me if I was crying or is it the glitters? Yes :) it's that bad.

Still, I'm choosing the NAKED palette over this, besides the fact that the hues are a bridal mua's must-have, it does carry matte shades in it. I'm still quite hesitant to use the shimmery ones to my brides because I'm afraid it might be too glittery which can be unfriendly to cameras.

Will write about NAKED palette next :)

BUt hey, I'm not dumping this palette, besides that its a collector's item, this can be perfect for evening wear I guess...where flecks are A-okay! Hmmm flecks or no flecks I'm still loving UD.

Ammo Eyeshadow in Smog, Mildew and Chopper
Urban Decay's Ink for the Eyes (for eyeliner)

Nars' Desire for the Blush

Maybelline's Iced Caramel, topped with NArs' Turkish Delight.

I know, pictures are bad I just use my iphone for this, so lazy to use one of those humongous cameras :))


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